Storage v1

Storage is the most critical component in a database workload. Storage should be always available, scale, perform well, and guarantee consistency and durability. The same expectations and requirements that apply to traditional environments, such as virtual machines and bare metal, are also valid in container contexts managed by Kubernetes.


Kubernetes has its own specificities, when it comes to dynamically provisioned storage. These include storage classes, persistent volumes, and persistent volume claims. You need to own these concepts, on top of all the valuable knowledge you have built over the years in terms of storage for database workloads on VMs and physical servers.

There are two primary methods of access to storage:

  • network: either directly or indirectly (think of an NFS volume locally mounted on a host running Kubernetes)
  • local: directly attached to the node where a Pod is running (this also includes directly attached disks on bare metal installations of Kubernetes)

Network storage, which is the most common usage pattern in Kubernetes, presents the same issues of throughput and latency that you can experience in a traditional environment. These can be accentuated in a shared environment, where I/O contention with several applications increases the variability of performance results.

Local storage enables shared-nothing architectures, which is more suitable for high transactional and Very Large DataBase (VLDB) workloads, as it guarantees higher and more predictable performance.


Before you deploy a PostgreSQL cluster with EDB Postgres for Kubernetes, ensure that the storage you are using is recommended for database workloads. Our advice is to clearly set performance expectations by first benchmarking the storage using tools such as fio, and then the database using pgbench.


EDB Postgres for Kubernetes does not use StatefulSets for managing data persistence. Rather, it manages persistent volume claims (PVCs) directly. If you want to know more, please read the "Custom Pod Controller" document.

Backup and recovery

Since EDB Postgres for Kubernetes supports volume snapshots for both backup and recovery, we recommend that you also consider this aspect when you choose your storage solution, especially if you manage very large databases.


Please refer to the official Kubernetes documentation for a list of all the supported Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers that provide snapshotting capabilities.

Benchmarking EDB Postgres for Kubernetes

We recommend that you benchmark EDB Postgres for Kubernetes in a controlled Kubernetes environment, before deploying the database in production, by following the guidelines in the "Benchmarking" section.

Briefly, our advice is to operate at two levels:

  • measuring the performance of the underlying storage using fio, with relevant metrics for database workloads such as throughput for sequential reads, sequential writes, random reads and random writes
  • measuring the performance of the database using the default benchmarking tool distributed along with PostgreSQL: pgbench

Measuring both the storage and database performance is an activity that must be done before the database goes in production. However, such results are extremely valuable not only in the planning phase (e.g., capacity planning), but also in the production lifecycle, especially in emergency situations (when we don't have the luxury anymore to run this kind of tests). Databases indeed change and evolve over time, so does the distribution of data, potentially affecting performance: knowing the theoretical maximum throughput of sequential reads or writes will turn out to be extremely useful in those situations. Especially in shared-nothing contexts, where results do not vary due to the influence of external workloads. Know your system, benchmark it.

Encryption at rest

Encryption at rest is possible with EDB Postgres for Kubernetes. The operator delegates that to the underlying storage class. Please refer to the storage class for information about this important security feature.

Persistent Volume Claim

The operator creates a persistent volume claim (PVC) for each PostgreSQL instance, with the goal to store the PGDATA, and then mounts it into each Pod.

Additionally, it supports the creation of clusters with a separate PVC on which to store PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log (WAL), as explained in the "Volume for WAL" section below.

In EDB Postgres for Kubernetes, the volumes attached to a single PostgreSQL instance are defined as PVC group.

Configuration via a storage class


EDB Postgres for Kubernetes has been designed to be storage class agnostic. As usual, our recommendation is to properly benchmark the storage class in a controlled environment, before deploying to production.

The easier way to configure the storage for a PostgreSQL class is to just request storage of a certain size, like in the following example:

kind: Cluster
  name: postgresql-storage-class
  instances: 3
    size: 1Gi

Using the previous configuration, the generated PVCs will be satisfied by the default storage class. If the target Kubernetes cluster has no default storage class, or even if you need your PVCs to be satisfied by a known storage class, you can set it into the custom resource:

kind: Cluster
  name: postgresql-storage-class
  instances: 3
    storageClass: standard
    size: 1Gi

Configuration via a PVC template

To further customize the generated PVCs, you can provide a PVC template inside the Custom Resource, like in the following example:

kind: Cluster
  name: postgresql-pvc-template
  instances: 3

        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 1Gi
      storageClassName: standard
      volumeMode: Filesystem

Volume for WAL

By default, PostgreSQL stores all its data in the so-called PGDATA (a directory). One of the core directories inside PGDATA is pg_wal (historically known as pg_xlog in PostgreSQL), which contains the log of transactional changes occurred in the database, in the form of segment files.


Normally, each segment is 16 MB in size, but the size can be configured through the walSegmentSize option, applied at cluster initialization time, as described in "Bootstrap an empty cluster".

While in most cases, having pg_wal on the same volume where PGDATA resides is fine, there are a few benefits from having WALs stored in a separate volume:

  • I/O performance: by storing WAL files on different storage than PGDATA, PostgreSQL can exploit parallel I/O for WAL operations (normally sequential writes) and for data files (tables and indexes for example), thus improving vertical scalability

  • more reliability: by reserving dedicated disk space to WAL files, you can always be sure that exhaustion of space on the PGDATA volume will never interfere with WAL writing, ensuring that your PostgreSQL primary is correctly shut down.

  • finer control: you can define the amount of space dedicated to both PGDATA and pg_wal, fine tune WAL configuration and checkpoints, even use a different storage class for cost optimization

  • better I/O monitoring: you can constantly monitor the load and disk usage on both PGDATA and pg_wal, and set proper alerts that notify you in case, for example, PGDATA requires resizing

Write-Ahead Log (WAL)

Please refer to the "Reliability and the Write-Ahead Log" page from the official PostgreSQL documentation for more information.

You can add a separate volume for WAL through the .spec.walStorage option, which follows the same rules described for the storage field and provisions a dedicated PVC. For example:

kind: Cluster
  name: separate-pgwal-volume
  instances: 3
    size: 1Gi
    size: 1Gi

Removing walStorage is not supported: once added, a separate volume for WALs cannot be removed from an existing Postgres cluster.

Volume expansion

Kubernetes exposes an API allowing expanding PVCs that is enabled by default but needs to be supported by the underlying StorageClass.

To check if a certain StorageClass supports volume expansion, you can read the allowVolumeExpansion field for your storage class:

$ kubectl get storageclass -o jsonpath='{$.allowVolumeExpansion}' premium-storage

Using the volume expansion Kubernetes feature

Given the storage class supports volume expansion, you can change the size requirement of the Cluster, and the operator will apply the change to every PVC.

If the StorageClass supports online volume resizing the change is immediately applied to the Pods. If the underlying Storage Class doesn't support that, you will need to delete the Pod to trigger the resize.

The best way to proceed is to delete one Pod at a time, starting from replicas and waiting for each Pod to be back up.

Expanding PVC volumes on AKS

At the moment, Azure is not able to resize the PVC's volume without restarting the pod. EDB Postgres for Kubernetes has overcome this limitation through the ENABLE_AZURE_PVC_UPDATES environment variable in the operator configuration. When set to 'true', EDB Postgres for Kubernetes triggers a rolling update of the Postgres cluster.

Alternatively, you can follow the workaround below to manually resize the volume in AKS.

Workaround for volume expansion on AKS

You can manually resize a PVC on AKS by following these procedures. As an example, let's suppose you have a cluster with 3 replicas:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-example-1   1/1     Running   0          2m37s
cluster-example-2   1/1     Running   0          2m22s
cluster-example-3   1/1     Running   0          2m10s

An Azure disk can only be expanded while in "unattached" state, as described in the docs.
This means, that to resize a disk used by a PostgreSQL cluster, you will need to perform a manual rollout, first cordoning the node that hosts the Pod using the PVC bound to the disk. This will prevent the Operator to recreate the Pod and immediately reattach it to its PVC before the background disk resizing has been completed.

First step is to edit the cluster definition applying the new size, let's say "2Gi", as follows:

kind: Cluster
  name: cluster-example
  instances: 3

    storageClass: default
    size: 2Gi

Assuming the cluster-example-1 Pod is the cluster's primary, we can proceed with the replicas first. For example start with cordoning the kubernetes node that hosts the cluster-example-3 Pod:

kubectl cordon <node of cluster-example-3>

Then delete the cluster-example-3 Pod:

$ kubectl delete pod/cluster-example-3

Run the following command:

kubectl get pvc -w -o=jsonpath='{.status.conditions[].message}' cluster-example-3

Wait until you see the following output:

Waiting for user to (re-)start a Pod to finish file system resize of volume on node.

Then, you can uncordon the node:

kubectl uncordon <node of cluster-example-3>

Wait for the Pod to be recreated correctly and get in Running and Ready state:

kubectl get pods -w cluster-example-3
cluster-example-3   0/1     Init:0/1   0          12m
cluster-example-3   1/1     Running   0          12m

Now verify the PVC expansion by running the following command, which should return "2Gi" as configured:

kubectl get pvc cluster-example-3 -o=jsonpath='{}'

So, you can repeat these steps for the remaining Pods.


Please leave the resizing of the disk associated with the primary instance as last disk, after promoting through a switchover a new resized Pod, using kubectl cnp promote (e.g. kubectl cnp promote cluster-example 3 to promote cluster-example-3 to primary).

Recreating storage

If the storage class does not support volume expansion, you can still regenerate your cluster on different PVCs, by allocating new PVCs with increased storage and then move the database there. This operation is feasible only when the cluster contains more than one node.

While you do that, you need to prevent the operator from changing the existing PVC by disabling the resizeInUseVolumes flag, like in the following example:

kind: Cluster
  name: postgresql-pvc-template
  instances: 3

    storageClass: standard
    size: 1Gi
    resizeInUseVolumes: False

In order to move the entire cluster to a different storage area, you need to recreate all the PVCs and all the Pods. Let's suppose you have a cluster with three replicas like in the following example:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-example-1   1/1     Running   0          2m37s
cluster-example-2   1/1     Running   0          2m22s
cluster-example-3   1/1     Running   0          2m10s

To recreate the cluster using different PVCs, you can edit the cluster definition to disable resizeInUseVolumes, and then recreate every instance in a different PVC.

As an example, to recreate the storage for cluster-example-3 you can:

$ kubectl delete pvc/cluster-example-3 pod/cluster-example-3

In case you have created a dedicated WAL volume, both PVCs will have to be deleted during this process. Additionally, the same procedure applies in case you want to regenerate the WAL volume PVC, which can be done by disabling resizeInUseVolumes also for the .spec.walStorage section.

For example (in case a PVC dedicated to WAL storage is present):

$ kubectl delete pvc/cluster-example-3 pvc/cluster-example-3-wal pod/cluster-example-3

Having done that, the operator will orchestrate the creation of another replica with a resized PVC:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                           READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-example-1              1/1     Running     0          5m58s
cluster-example-2              1/1     Running     0          5m43s
cluster-example-4-join-v2      0/1     Completed   0          17s
cluster-example-4              1/1     Running     0          10s

Static provisioning of persistent volumes

EDB Postgres for Kubernetes has been designed to work with dynamic volume provisioning, which allows storage volumes to be automatically created on-demand when requested by users, via storage classes and persistent volume claim templates as described above.

However, in some cases, Kubernetes administrators prefer to manually create new storage volumes, and then create the related PersistentVolume objects for their representation inside the Kubernetes cluster. This is also known as pre-provisioning of volumes.


Our recommendation is to avoid pre-provisioning of volumes as it impacts on the high availability and self-healing capabilities of the operator, and breaks the fully declarative model on which EDB Postgres for Kubernetes has been built.

You can use a pre-provisioned volume in EDB Postgres for Kubernetes by following these steps:

  1. Manually create the volume outside Kubernetes
  2. Create the PersistentVolume object to match the above volume using the correct parameters as required by actual CSI driver (i.e. volumeHandle, fsType, storageClassName, and so on)
  3. Create the Postgres Cluster using, for each storage section, a coherent pvcTemplate section that can help Kubernetes match the above PersistentVolume and enable EDB Postgres for Kubernetes to create the needed PersistentVolumeClaim

With static provisioning, it is your responsibility to ensure that, based on the affinity rules of your cluster, Postgres pods can be correctly scheduled by Kubernetes where a pre-provisioned volume exists. Make sure you check for any pods stuck in Pending after you have deployed the cluster, and if the condition persists investigate why this is happening.

Block storage considerations (Ceph/ Longhorn)

Most block storage solutions in Kubernetes suggest to have multiple 'replicas' of a volume to improve resiliency. This works well for workloads that don't have resiliency built into the application. However, EDB Postgres for Kubernetes has this resiliency built directly into the Postgres Cluster through the number of instances and the persistent volumes that are attached to them.

In these cases it makes sense to define the storage class used by the Postgres clusters to be defined as 1 replica. By having additional replicas defined in the storage solution like Longhorn and Ceph you might incur in the issue known as write amplification, unnecessarily increasing disk I/O and space used.